
Epilogue - Late Night Alumni



在2005 年由英国浩室名厂Hed Kandi所发行的作品,拥有一副听来慵懒诱人嗓音的女主音Becky Jean Williams,让你轻易被这美丽动人、妩媚轻飘的感性声线融化,高辨识度的柔软舒缓、空灵弛放的基调,以她最神秘、浪漫而飘逸的姿态,诠释着属于夜的声音


If I believed

If I believed what I've been told

Every day

To say no grace every night I couldn't stay

Here alone

If I leave this place

Everything fades

What will my ghost embrace

Will my soul still fill a space

I walk the halls

Endless stairs

Here's where the floor starts to fade

With weakened knees

I sway two ways and fall to the floor

Where I've prayed

It's not the same

I don't fall one way

One day my light laid wait

One night a nightfall sang

A fictional last few days

An epilogue ends and hangs

